December 12, 2014: Soft Copy of Petition
December 29, 2014: Petition Annexure
December 29, 2014: 2006 Notification: Constituting document of the IMCEW from August 29, 2006
December 29, 2014: 2012 Policy directive issued to PTA
March 30, 2015: Notification: IMCEW Denotified
May 1, 2015: Bolo Bhi’s Rejoinder to Federal Government
February 29, 2016:
1) Application to amend plaint
2) Application to submit additional documents
November 20, 2017: Written submission to court
December 22, 2014: Court Order 15.12.14
January 15, 2015: Court Order 15.01.15
January 20, 2015: Court Order 20.01.15
May 25, 2018: Court Order 25.05.2018
December 12, 2014: Bolo Bhi Files Petition Challenging Legality of IMCEW
December 13, 2014: Bolo Bhi Files Writ Petition
December 18, 2014: Hearing 1: Bolo Bhi’s Petition Challenging IMCEW
December 29, 2014: Some Disclosure At Last
December 29, 2014: PTA’s Response to Bolo Bhi’s FOI Request on April 15, 2014
January 22, 2015: Hearing 2: Bolo Bhi’s Petition Challenging IMCEW
March 30, 2015: Hearing 4: IMCEW disbanded, PTA given powers for content management on Internet
November 20, 2018: Bolo Bhi’s Written Submission in IHC Case
Timeline: The IMCEW Challenge
Timeline: Tracking Bolo Bhi’s IMCEW Petition In Media