On April 13, 2016, the National Assembly of Pakistan passed the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill. Take a look at our comparison of the April 2015, September 2015 and April 2016 versions of the bill here.
PECB Comparison New by Bolo Bhi
Download September 2015 version here:
Download April 2016 version here:
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Archive: Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill
I just came across this web by accident and found it enlightening
I wonder if this “Bolo Bhi” ever advised the Government to adopt a civilised process to legislate. In the civilised countries, a government publish a “Green Paper” to suggest the broad outline and the principle of the “Bill” then after input by the interested parties and taking note of the input the government publishes a “White Paper” which goes to the decision making legislature, where it is debated and amendments . Then if passed it becomes a law.
When our country becomes a democracy and all citizens are of equal worth, without discrimination of race, religion and social status, we hope to expect the freedom of the press. So the law will be passed by consensus and or the majority of the legislature. At the moment our Constitution is a den of inequity worth nothing therefore not followed by most of the instutions and the government.