Sindh High Court Website Censorship Timeline

12th March 2014

Petition Filed in the Sindh High Court to Lift Arbitrary Bans on Websites

A group of concerned students and citizens filed a petition in the Sindh High Court, demanding the government be ordered to cease its policy of arbitrarily barring websites and restoring access to websites that had been blocked nation-wide.

20th March 2014

Initial Hearing of the Case in front of a Divisional Bench of the SHC

On the first hearing of the case, the Honourable Justices requested the Government and the Ministry of Information Technology to submit replies by the 16th of April

16th April 2014

Second Hearing at the Sindh High Court

During the second hearing for the case, the Attorney General of Pakistan sought time to submit a reply in front of the Court. The Hon Justice granted the request and also asked the petitioners for a list of blocked websites.

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