Manager Administration, ICT R& D Fund 6th Floor, HBL Tower, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad. Ministry of Information Technology, Evacuee Trust Complex, F-5/1, Islamabad Dear Sirs, This is with reference...
Manager Administration, ICT R& D Fund 6th Floor, HBL Tower, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad. Ministry of Information Technology, Evacuee Trust Complex, F-5/1, Islamabad Dear Sirs, This is with reference...
To the Netizens of China, 致中国网民, I am writing this letter to you on behalf of many Pakistani Internet users who are currently fighting their government’s attempt to restrict their...
KARACHI Nov.16: Bolo bhi strongly protests governments consistent crackdown on cellular services across Karachi and Quetta as a security measure. In this year alone, the government has suspended cellular services on...
Timeline of updates on Youtube Block & Unblock in Pakistan: 13th september: Pakistan orders anti-Islam video block on YouTube [Associated Press] - ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday blocked access to an anti-Islam...
Karachi 29/10/2012: Bolo Bhi is dismayed to learn that the Pakistan Government has decided to once again pursue the installation of a National URL Filtering and Blocking System. In February, we...
KARACHI Oct. 25:Bolo Bhi expresses its strong reservations at reports of the revival of Pakistan Government's plan to install a URL filtering and blocking system. Reports indicate that plans are afoot...
Karachi 21/9/2012: Bolo Bhi strongly protests Government's decision to block cellular services in 15 cities across the country as a security measure. Despite announcing a public holiday that includes closure...
For Immediate Release Karachi, September 18, 2012: In response to protests following the release of a movie trailer, Innocence of Muslims, the Prime Minister of Pakistan issued a notification to block access...
On August 19, mobile phones services in various cities of Pakistan were suspended due to the potential threat of mobile-operated bombs planted in bazaars by terrorists. It was to...
The Provincial Government blocked cellphone access in Quetta and parts of Balochistan yesterday citing security reasons. Today, the Indian Government adopted the same measures for Kashmir. States around the world...