Looking back 20 years from now, who would’ve thought anything like the internet would ever exist? Days when the most convenient source of communication were landlines and the only way...
Looking back 20 years from now, who would’ve thought anything like the internet would ever exist? Days when the most convenient source of communication were landlines and the only way...
Over the last two-and-a-half, years we at Bolo Bhi have engaged with government and non-government stakeholders on the issue of censorship in Pakistan, to find a way to minimize and...
In January 2014, we interviewed various technology and industry experts in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. The next few months we spent compiling and updating our paper. We are sharing now...
Social media now forms an integral part of our life. We trust our intimate secrets to a faceless server and expect that our content, be it pictures, text, or anything...
As offline protests continue against rigging in the polls, social media in Pakistan has also been taken by a storm. So enraged are voters and supporters, that they have been...