We sent a letter to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Chaudary on the 5th of March'2012. We have not received a response from his office. A copy of the letter is...
We sent a letter to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Chaudary on the 5th of March'2012. We have not received a response from his office. A copy of the letter is...
PRESS KIT On Wednesday, the 22nd of February, the ICT R&D Fund under the Ministry of Information Technology (MoIT), announced through newspapers and their website a Request For...
Our campaign partners, Business Human Rights Resource Centre, confirmed to us that Sandvine, Verizon and Cisco committed not to apply for Pakistan Government's call for proposal. Business Human Rights Resource...
[<a href="http://storify.com/sanasaleem/pakistan-campaign-against-internet-censorship-in-p" target="_blank">View the story "Pakistan:Campaign against Internet Censorship in Pakistan" on Storify</a>] As we continue the campaign against internet censorship, we feel it is crucial to inform supporters in...
Quoted here is an earlier version of the websense statement. We supported and uphold the decision of websense to concentrate on their position and mention 'several organizations' instead of specific...
Authoritarian regimes around the world have used surveillance to regulate and control public spheres. Western surveillance tools have empowered the repression. We need to stop censorship from being big business....
On Wednesday, the 22nd of February, the ICT R&D fund under the Ministry of Information Technology, announced through newspapers and on their website, a request for proposal for a national...
Block, ban, censor. These seem to be the only options ever considered by the Pakistan government when it comes to the Internet. Ever since the 2010 ban on Facebook was...