In December 2015, an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino terrorism suspects, Syed Rizwan Farooq was seized by the FBI. However, encryption technology has allegedly prevented the authorities from...
In December 2015, an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino terrorism suspects, Syed Rizwan Farooq was seized by the FBI. However, encryption technology has allegedly prevented the authorities from...
The media commission report —a Commission set up by the Supreme Court of Pakistan— released in April last year, made recommendations for media reform within Pakistan. The report suggested that...
Over the last few years, Internet censorship and surveillance have been on the rise in Pakistan. International reports have pointed to the alleged presence of FinFisher (espionage and surveillance equipment)...
In a newspaper ad published today, the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority issued a public notice mainly advertising their complaint cell & asking users report URLs containing content that falls...
How I wish I got a penny for each time I heard the argument “.. but you see we don’t deserve freedom of speech because we are an intolerant lot.....
I have thought about this for a while. The importance of calling out abuse when you witness it. It may seem like a simple solution, why not? if you witness abuse there should be no questions...
Today marks the second death anniversary of Shahbaz Bhatti. In his memory and as a tribute to his work for minorities, I am republishing an article I wrote hours after...
Imagine this: A six year old girl is tortured, raped and thrown on the street. She spends a week at the hospital without proper healthcare, until human rights activists create...
To the Netizens of China, 致中国网民, I am writing this letter to you on behalf of many Pakistani Internet users who are currently fighting their government’s attempt to restrict their...