February 16th 2006 Domestic Violence In Pakistan: Legislation Still Pending
The proposed bill, ‘The Prevention of Domestic Violence Bill, 2005’ is meant to rectify current shortcomings in the law by recognizing domestic violence as a free-standing crime. At present the Bill has been summarily dismissed by the Speaker of the National Assembly off the agenda, where it was introduced in early 2005. Support is needed by civil society to get it back into the National Assembly where it needs thorough debate and careful consideration.
March 11th 2008 Domestic Violence Endemic, But Awareness Slowly Rising
Since 2006 the Pakistan Ministry of Women’s Development has been running at least 10 crisis centres in major cities, where victims of domestic abuse or other violence receive legal, financial and psychological support, and counseling regarding their options. Domestic violence is endemic in Pakistan. The New York-based Human Rights Watch found that up to 90 percent of women in Pakistan were subject to verbal, sexual, emotional or physical abuse, within their own homes. Over the past decade, however, awareness of the issue has risen.
August 4th 2009 Lower House Passes Bill Outlawing Domestic Violence
The Pakistan National Assembly, the lower house of parliament, on Tuesday unanimously approved the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, 2008, moving a step closer to outlawing domestic violence in the country.
September 7th 2009 Domestic Violence Bill Draws Mixed Reactions
A historic bill seeking to punish domestic abuse still raises doubts about its ability to meet the goal it sets out to do: end violence against women. Still, the passage of the bill is a crucial step in the right direction, some experts said. If laws are not being implemented it does not mean they should not be legislated in the first place
November 9th 2009 Troubled History Of Domestic Violence In Pakistan
The National Assembly passed the bill on August 4th, 2009 but the Senate failed to do so within the three months mandated by the Constitution, opting to let the bill lapse.
January 11th 2010 Pakistan: Expedite Domestic Violence Legislation
The Pakistani government should quickly reintroduce legislation to protect women and children from domestic violence. Human Rights Watch called on the government to submit a companion bill to the sexual harassment measure to provide a mechanism to investigate complaints. Pakistan’s parliament has passed only half the legislation needed against sexual harassment
April 8th 2010 Pakistan Edges Closer To Banning Domestic Violence
Rights advocates hope a proposed law banning domestic violence will chip away at such attitudes, giving women a more even playing field and bringing Pakistan in line with a growing number of developing nations that have outlawed spousal abuse.
April 8th 2010 “Islamist lawmakers” Object to Domestic Violence Law for Women’s Rights
Rights advocates hope a proposed law banning domestic violence will chip away at such attitudes, giving women a more even playing field and bringing Pakistan in line with a growing number of developing nations that have outlawed spousal abuse. But Islamist lawmakers in Parliament are objecting, claiming the law could tear apart the social fabric by undermining families.
January 20th 2012 Domestic Violence Hotline Creates Possibilities in Karachi, Pakistan
Amidst all of the complexities and difficulties that arise when faced with intimate partner abuse, there are many positive developments. In Karachi, Pakistan, a hotline has emerged to help women in domestic violence situations.
February 22nd 2012 Senate Passes Domestic Violence Bill
The landmark ‘Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2012’ passes unanimously by the Senate is a great leap forward for the cause of women and children-the two most vulnerable sections of the society
July 4th 2012 Pakistan’s Domestic Violence Bill Gets A New Look
Angry outbursts by Pakistani woman activists against the lawmakers’ reluctance to debate the bill on curbing domestic violence has worked. A multi-party committee sat down yesterday to reconcile the differing views that caused the joint session of the parliament to defer the consideration of the Domestic Violence Protection (Prevention and Protection) bill. The discussion on the bill, clause by clause, was done with open minds by all present, in an effort to improve and remove any legal contradictions or gaps
November 29th 2012 Christians & Muslims In The Streets For A Law Against Domestic Violence
Hundreds of people took part in yesterday’s initiative, entitled “Protect women from violence.” Abuses against women often occur in the family or with the tacit approval of the authorities. A problem arising from the culture and local tradition, which must be demolished by laws and a change of mentality. This is what hundreds of people have demanded – men and women, Christians and Muslims – taking to the streets.
March 8th 2013 With The Domestic Violence Act The Hurly-Burly’s Done, But The Battle Hasn’t Been Won
The gestation period might have been long – an agonising five years – but the Aurat Foundation is still rejoicing the fact that the provincial domestic violence bill was passed. The organisation held an event on Saturday at which it celebrated the valiance of women legislators who persisted in their efforts to pass the bill despite much vocal opposition from their male counterparts. The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) law came into being on March 8 , which is International Women’s Day.
March 8th 2013 Sindh Assembly Passes Domestic Violence Bill
The bill focused on preventing domestic violence on women, children and any vulnerable person. The bill was ordered to be enforced at once and extended to the whole province of Sindh. The bill had been presented by Sindh law minister Muhammad Ayaz Soomro and supported by both treasury and opposition members.
March 12th 2013 After Years Of Struggle, A Timely Victory For Women In Pakistan
The Sindh Assembly unanimously passed long-awaited legislation against domestic violence. Aurat Foundation worked relentlessly for the passage of this legislation against domestic violence by the Sindh Assembly in collaboration with jurists, lawyers and human rights activists. They were supported by the women legislators of the Sindh Assembly.