Impersonation is one of the most common tactics used by harassers online. It can be extremely damaging if your organization or campaign is being impersonated. Understanding the repercussion of impersonations we are...
Bolo Bhi, conducted a Digital Security Training at Aurat Foundation, Karachi. The training is part of Bolo Bhi's 'Securing Your Everyday Online & Offline' pilot project to train Human Rights...
Worried about safety on the road? Here are a few tips from security experts @norbalm & @aftershockCEM (more…)
The Global Network Initiative hosted its first Learning Forum in Washington DC on June 14, 2012. The discussion centred on safeguarding human rights, privacy and freedom of expression on the Internet. The...
In december' 2011 Committee to Protect Journalists issued a report listing Pakistan as the deadliest country for journalists for a second year. CPJ’s analysis found notable shifts from historical data: Targeted...
Update: Pakistan Tehrik-Insaf issued press release denouncing attacks on Bolta Pakistan Facebook Page. Recently, the Facebook account of Bolta Pakistan, a popular TV talk show hosted by senior journalist...
The Constitution of Pakistan Pakistan Penal Code 1860 Code of Criminal Procedure 1898 Electronic Transactions Ordinance 2002 Pakistan Telecommunications (Re-Organization) Act 1996 with 2006 Amendments Freedom of Information Ordinance 2002...
Thanks to Gus Hosein of Privacy International for sharing this comic/graphic novel with us. It is a great resource for explaining to young people how important privacy is and how...
Audio and Video Audacity is a free audio recorder and editor. It can also be used to convert files from one audio format to another. It is vital tool for...